Should You Use a Self-Watering Pot?

living color garden center self watering pot with plant on coffee table

With an uptick of green thumbs and houseplant enthusiasts eager to keep their garden and plants in good condition, it’s no wonder that the green industry has responded with new tactics and inventions to keep plants healthy and thriving. But are self-watering pots worth the investment? Find out all of the pros and cons here to decide for yourself.

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How to Grow Healthy Orchids Outdoors

living color garden center grow healthy orchids outdoors rose colored orchids in sunlight

Orchids have long been considered one of the most beautiful and exotic indoor plants, but here in Florida, since there’s no threat of frost, you can learn how to grow them outdoors! The care requirements are a little different when you grow orchids outside the house, but it really isn’t difficult once you learn the basics.

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How to Grow Basil + 3 Simple Summer Recipes!

living color garden center how to grow basil plus recipes picking basil for cooking

Knowing how to grow basil is such a valuable skill—after all, you can never run out of creative ways to use this delicious and versatile herb! It has a crisp complexity that mingles so well with both sweet and savory notes. And if you love to grow your own food, basil is perfect for pairing with garden fruits and veggies for a fresh burst of summery flavor.

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