Air Plants

air plant header

From the depths of the Amazon rainforest comes one of the most peculiar and fascinating houseplants of all: the tillandsia! More commonly known as the air plant, this subspecies of the Bromeliad family doesn’t require soil to root. Instead, they’ll pretty much thrive wherever you place them so long as they receive adequate water and…

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Fragrant Plants

fragrant plants purple heliotrope florida

Scent is one of the most powerful human senses. It’s amazing how quickly memories can flood your mind when presented with a familiar, pleasant scent. Filling your garden with lovely fragrant flowers will not only create a serenely beautiful atmosphere, but it will also reinforce all the amazing memories you create at home. When kids…

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Exotic Flowers

exotic flowers header vanda orchid

You don’t need to travel all the way across the Atlantic to enjoy beautiful exotic blooms. One of the best parts about living in South Florida is the amount of strikingly colorful flowers from faraway tropical regions that can thrive in our warm coastal climate. If you’re looking to brighten up your yard with something a little out of the ordinary, why not consider some of these bright exotic blossoms that we carry here at Living Color?

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Shade Gardening

shade gardening impatiens

We all love the sizzling Florida sun, but unfortunately, not all flowers and plants are as fond of direct sunlight. Planting a garden under some shade not only allows you to cultivate plants that aren’t highly heat-tolerant, but it also has some bonus advantages like increased moisture retention. To make sure your shady garden is…

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Plants for Cleaner Air

People often mention the air-cleaning benefits of indoor plants, but it seems like an urban myth. After all, how could an organism that doesn’t even have a mouth manage to suck pollution out of the air? As it turns out, it’s not a myth at all! NASA and Air-Cleaning Plants In 1984, NASA conducted a…

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