Bromeliad Basics

Whether you’ve heard the name or not, chances are you’ve experienced the bold beauty of the bromeliad – with glossy, strappy leaves and neon inflorescence rising from the center. They offer a unique, bold aesthetic with bright color and personality, and lucky for us, unlike most of the country, they are right at home here…

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Growing Tropical Fruit

Not much can compare to the distinct, delicious flavor of tropical fruits. Although most hail from rainforests in faraway places, you don’t actually have to live in the jungle to grow them. Luckily, our hot, humid climate allows us to grow many exotic crops right here in Florida! Read on for some of our favorite…

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The Colors of Spring

Coral Rose

Spring is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to get busy planning your garden for the upcoming season. A little pre-planning goes a long way when it comes to choosing your mix of plants and flowers for the garden because impulse-buying at the greenhouse can lead to a busy backyard that with…

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purple orchids sitting near window with sunlight

There are very few plants that capture our imagination quite like orchids do. They combine stunning elegance and beauty and bring style into the home unlike any other houseplant. There are many different varieties of orchids, some of which have spent years growing in remote locations that have allowed them to evolve into unique beauties.…

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