For the upcoming year, a garden trend that we cannot ignore involves reducing your lawn and creating more garden beds! We will give you all the latest on why this trend is impacting the current direction of gardening and why joining in is beneficial for you and the environment. Win-win? We think so!
What’s New and Trending In Gardening For 2022?
Planting vast gardens and lessening the size of your lawn is a 2022 gardening trend that is not going anywhere, and for a good reason. Lawn reduction is prominent in the gardening world because gardeners are always looking for new ways to be kinder to the environment. Large lawns take up valuable resources and do not support wildlife. They also require:
- A lot of water
- Gas for your lawnmower
- Regular pesticide treatment
- Lots of fertilizer
The manicured lawns of the 1960s are taking a step back for gardens that expand into the lawn space or replace it altogether. With a few years to establish, these modern gardens can become fully self-sufficient, saving on a considerable amount of your resources.
Are Gardens Actually Better Than Lawns?
Yes! Aside from the reasons mentioned above why a lawn is not eco-friendly, there are many other reasons why extended gardens are better. Here are the main positive aspects of replacing your lawn with garden beds:
- There is less mowing to do!
- They will need less frequent watering after a few years to become established.
- You may still use pesticides and herbicides, but you will not be applying it to an entire area of lawn several times.
- Gardens support a vast range of wildlife!
How Do You Build a Modern Garden?
Building a modern garden that is eco-friendly doesn’t need to be done all at once. You can make your changes incrementally, and eventually, you will have a thriving garden. Generally, building a garden like this involves the following steps:
- Map out your garden, including where the beds start and stop, where the sun is brightest, how much lawn you want, and what kinds of plants you want to grow.
- Remove the lawn that you’d like to replace. You can dig up the grass, till your yard, or smother the grass to kill it. Do some research and choose the best option for you!
- Decide on what type of garden you want to install. If you want a low-maintenance yard, consider a rock garden. If you want to support wildlife, plant native varieties. Get a vegetable garden going if you want to eat what you grow!
- Start planting your new garden! Plant close to the beginning of the growing season so that your plants have lots of time to establish.
We know this may sound like a daunting task and a big switch from the lawn aesthetic you might be used to, but here at Living Color Garden Center, we can assure you that joining this 2022 gardening trend is a practical step to making your garden eco-friendly. We have all the supplies and ideas you need to begin this new venture, so come and visit us to help you plan your new garden!